WELCOME BACK! Please check our website regularly to find weekly newsletters in our Parent Corner, students’ writing in our Student, virtual math tutorial videos in our Math, and spelling instructions and weekly stories in our ELA tab. Don’t forget to leave us a comment! (www.ais6thgrade.weebly.com)
Remember parents to sign the students' agenda or leave me a comment in the Parent section of our website to let me know you have seen and read this. It's important that parents, teachers, and students communicate clearly with one another and understand weekly what's being learned in the classroom.

 Also,  parents please remember that we still need disinfectant wipes (ex. Clorax) and tissue paper (ex. Kleenex).

Last week, students stepped-up and took charge by coming in every morning and prepared the news to present over the speakers phone to students, teachers, and staff at A.I.S. from our very own newsroom. We have received great reviews from throughout the school and we will continue to do this. This week’s newscasters are Rabab, Shihab, and Omar.

This week is a Writing Week in ELA, and students will be turning to Argument Paragraphs. We will begin the week by understanding the difference between Fact and Opinion. Facts can be proven while opinions are personal feelings about a topic. Students will also learn that argument writers use both fact and opinion when developing argument paragraphs. By working through examples, students will be able to understand that writers refer to opinions as claims and facts as evidence when writing an argument paragraph.  By the end of the week, students will have a strong understanding and will be able to write their own well-constructed argument paragraphs during our next writing week. 
Also students were sent home with an Independent Study Unit last (I.S.U) last week, please take a minute to read over the instructions with your child in your child’s I.S.U folder. The next I.S.U checkpoint is Monday, November 25th.

Last week in Math, students learned how to convert a percent to a decimal and a fraction and then back again. Some students struggled with understanding how to convert a percent with a decimal (28.6%) into a fraction and into decimal. Those students still
struggling with the concept should take time at home to practice as they will struggle in this week’s Math concepts. This week we will be looking at percent proportions and how we can use a proportion to find a whole. Students will also learn how to use an equation to find a whole as well as learn how to use compatible numbers to estimate part of a whole. By the end of the week students will learn how to set-up a percent proportion from a word problem and be able to solve a word problem using a percent proportion. There will be a Math Assessment on Monday, November 25th.

This week in Science, students will continue to look at the forces that work in the universe and how gravity, force and magnetism all work together. Students will also understand Sir Isaac Newton’s law of motions and how the Free-Body Diagrams help us understand the different forces. Students will also read about Apollo 13 and learn what inertia is. It is important that students are reviewing these science concepts daily at home in order to gain a deeper understanding of the informationThere will be a Science
assessment on Week 4: Force (newspaper) on Friday, November 22nd.

***This  Week’s Newscasters:
- Shihab, Rabab, Omar 
***Quick Reminders: 
- Please donate disinfectant wipes (Clorax)  and tissue boxes
- Newscasters please arrive on time 
- Field trip to DSO on Wednesday, November 20th (tomorrow) & a walk to the park (dress warmly) 

- Friday, November 22nd - Science 
- Monday, November 25th -  Math 

I.S.U. Check-Point: Monday, November 25th

Inayah Abdullah ( Rashad's grandmother)
11/22/2013 09:52:16 am

I applaud those who take time to share their knowledge with children. I think Rashad is enjoying his experience in your class. Thank you for encouraging him and his classmates. Respectfully

Ms. Makkawi
11/23/2013 02:48:44 am

Ms. Abdullah,
Thank-you so much for your kind words and for taking the time to visit our online classroom. It is truly a joy to have a creative young man such as Rashad in my classroom. I have very high hopes for Rashad and believe if he continues to work hard he will see great success! Thank-you for continuing to support him at home, I believe together as team we can encourage him to reach for the stars :)


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