Welcome back! It was great to see that some of our parents had visited our virtual classroom and had left us comments. Thank you for taking part in supporting our students grow as writers who are taking ownership of their writing and building learning community together. Please check back with us regularly in our Parent Corner for weekly newsletters, our Student Corner for students' writing, the Math tab for virtual math videos, and the ELA tab for spelling instructions and weekly stories.    (www.ais6thgrade.weebly.com ) 

Remember parents to sign the students' agenda or leave me a comment in the Parent section of our website to let me know you have seen and read this. It's important that parents, teachers, and students communicate clearly with one another and understand weekly what's being learned in the classroom.

We are excited to announce that the 6th Graders will be broadcasting live throughout A.I.S. in our very own newsroom. Students will step-up and take charge by coming in every morning and preparing the news to present over the speaker phones each morning to students and staff at A.I.S. It is important that the students chosen to broadcast that week are expected to be in the classroom at 8:00 a.m. sharp . Students need enough time to gather their news and prepare before going on air at 8:30 a.m. sharp. This week's speakers are Rabab, Rashad, and Shihab. Good luck newscasters! 

This week is a Reading Week in ELA, and students will be reading the Informative Text of Ghandi by Jennifer Dobner. Students will learn that Informational Text is part of non-fiction and is used to inform the reader about the natural or social world. Students will learn about the brave and inspirational man, Ghandi, and how he used nonviolent protests to accomplish peace between people as well as how his actions continue to influence people today.  

This week in Math, students will continue to work on Percents. Students will learn how to convert a percent and decimal and than back again. Students will also learn how to convert percents into fractions and back again. Remembering to simplify your fractions after you have converted them is important. By the end of the week, students will learn how to estimate a percent as well as know how to order percents, decimals, and fractions according to importance. There will be a a Math Assessment on Monday, November 18th.

This week in Science, students will be looking at the forces that work in the universe and how gravity, force and magnetism all work together. It is important that students are reviewing these science concepts daily at home in order to gain a deeper understanding of the information. There will be a Science assessment on Week 4: Force (newspaper).

Quick Reminders: 
- Please donate disinfectant  wipes (Clorax)  and tissue boxes
- News reporters please arrive on time 
- Pajama Day Wednesday 

Friday, November 15th - Science 
Monday, November 18th - Math 

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